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Empowering Consumers through Education: Kenya Credit Trader’s Role in Financial Literacy
Financial literacy refers to the ability of an individual to understand and utilize financial skills. It basically involves having a smart relationship with money. It involves learning the financial aspects of life. Just like we say education is the key to a successful future, financial literacy is also vital. The earlier one becomes financially literate, […]

Our Agency

  • Rift Valley, Bomet – Matui Plaza: Bomet, Matui Plaza, Opposite Kenya Cereals and Produce Board Pramukh Swami Street
  • GUJERATI HOUSE – Nairobi: Junction of Biashara/Muindi Mbingu Street
    Tel: 020-2325938
  • Head Office – K.C.T HOUSE: Witu Road Off Lusaka Road
    Tel: 020-2679767, 020-2661778