Mobile: 0722206073 & 0733615842 | Tell: 020-2661778 & 020-2679767 | Email:

Mobile Shops

KCT’s customers are found in every corner of the country. The market for our HP services stretch far into the interior of the Country. Our mobile units are an innovative way of reaching out to our customers wherever they are.

KCT has mobile shops which are deployed to reach the customers in the rural areas. They are able to traverse the country to avail our products and services to schools, Government offices and other institutions with which we have check off arrangements. This way, the customers enjoy the benefit of receiving products and services without the inconvenience of travelling to the town centers where our shops are situated. Customers are able to save on transport costs and the time spent travelling.

Customers are encouraged to use this friendly, convenient and efficient method of shopping to access our products and services.