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The importance of sustainability lies in harnessing natural resources responsibly to construct a more eco-friendly future, a critical aspect of environmental preservation in today’s world. Climate change remains a central topic in global discussions, with adopting sustainable practices emerging as a key solution to mitigate its effects. In this article, we explore how employing hire purchase arrangements can contribute to fostering a greener society, particularly focusing on the procurement of new Haier fridge and chest freezer products.

Hire Purchase for Sustainability

There are various avenues through which homeowners and businesses can leverage hire purchase agreements to embrace sustainability. One such approach involves utilizing hire purchase to invest in renewable energy sources. For instance, opting for hire purchase to acquire solar panels enables households and businesses to generate electricity sustainably, reducing reliance on environmentally harmful energy sources.

Another avenue for utilizing hire purchase in promoting sustainability is by acquiring eco-friendly appliances and electronics, including Haier fridge and chest freezer products. Traditional appliance models are notorious for their high energy consumption. However, upgrading to newer, more energy-efficient models not only saves money in the long run but also contributes to environmental preservation. Kenya Credit Traders offers a diverse range of household appliances available for hire purchase, facilitating the transition to sustainable living.

Benefits of Sustainable Investments in Homes and Businesses

Embracing sustainability in homes and businesses yields a multitude of benefits, ranging from financial savings to environmental conservation and improved health.

1. Cost savings on energy expenses: Opting for sustainable appliances and electronics leads to significant reductions in energy bills over time. Modern appliances are designed to be energy-efficient, resulting in lower operating costs while promoting environmental responsibility.

2. Creating healthier living and working environments: Investing in sustainability extends beyond financial considerations to enhancing the quality of living and working spaces. By adopting eco-friendly appliances, such as Haier fridge and chest freezer products, households and businesses can minimize exposure to harmful chemicals and pollutants, thereby reducing air pollution and improving overall health.

3. Contributing to global environmental efforts: By reducing carbon footprint through the adoption of sustainable practices, individuals and businesses can actively contribute to mitigating climate change and promoting environmental sustainability. Opting for hire purchase arrangements for eco-friendly appliances represents a tangible step towards reducing pollution and fostering a greener planet.

In conclusion, embracing sustainability through hire purchase arrangements presents an opportunity for individuals and businesses to make tangible contributions towards environmental conservation. By investing in eco-friendly appliances like Haier fridge and chest freezer products, and renewable energy sources, households and businesses can enjoy numerous benefits while playing a crucial role in shaping a more sustainable future.

Financing is always one of the top considerations when looking to acquire high-value assets. One will want to learn the payment options they can utilize to acquire assets.

In most cases, we use cash payments to buy an asset outright. However, this might not be possible in some cases. There are instances when you need items but you do not have funds for an immediate purchase. In some cases, one might overlook purchasing the items, but in other cases, one might have to compromise and purchase a less effective or low quality asset.

Hire purchase financing

Hire purchase agreements provide homeowners and business owners the chance to acquire items and make payments in installments. Hire purchase agreements need one to make a down payment for the asset. After making the down payment, one requires completing the balance in the form of periodic payments. Some dealers accept daily, weekly or monthly payments.

During the period when one acquires and uses the asset, they are referred to as a hirer. They will be hiring the assets until they make the last payment. The dealer transfers ownership of the assets to the buyer after they pay the last installment.

Digital financing

Technology has plenty of benefits, and its influence can be felt across all industries. In the financial world, there are new and modern financial products available to customers through the internet. When you require cash, one can easily turn to the internet to find loan products.

In Kenya, digital financing has been made more accessible through mobile loan apps. The online lenders offer short term loans or payday loan products that one can utilize to find cash to finance a purchase. M-pesa also makes the process of making repayments easier for the online loans.

Hire purchase vs digital financing

There are plenty of reasons why hire purchase is a viable option in the digital financing age. One of the best benefits of hire purchase is that they offer better interest rates. In most cases, the online loans will charge high interest to the borrowers, and the interest rates can change depending on rates set by the Central Bank. Hire purchase not only offers low interest rates, but the repayments are also fixed.

Leading hire purchase dealers such as Kenya Credit Traders have also embraced technology. One can easily find the assets they need for the business or home on the website and start the process of acquiring them on hire purchase.

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In Kenya, hire purchase remains one of the best ways to acquire household items in modern times. When you are looking to purchase electronics, you will be keen to determine the best payment option to utilize. Some of the electronics we intend to purchase are expensive and purchasing them outright can prove to be a daunting task.

When you do not have all the cash, you might be forced to settle for low-cost electronics or household goods. In most cases, low cost will mean that you compromise on the quality. However, it is possible to acquire high-value assets even when one doesn’t have all the cash. Here is what makes hire purchase a popular choice for household items.

Pros Of Hire Purchase Plan for Household Items

There are plenty of benefits of choosing hire purchase agreements when looking for household goods. Here is a look at some of the benefits:

1.      Access better household assets

If you only choose to purchase items outright, when you have limited resources, it might mean that you miss out on your dream electronics or appliances. In some cases, one might have to settle for low-quality assets. However, hire purchase allows you to purchase the assets to turn your house into your dream home. Hire purchase only requires you to pay a fraction of the cost as a down payment, and clear the balance over the agreed duration.

2.      Better repayment terms

When one needs electronics or other household items, taking a loan is one of the available options. However, the major downside of loans is the high interest rates that they attract. With hire purchase, the installments and interest charged are fixed. This means that one can budget to make payments in a timely manner to avoid losing the asset to the hire .

3.      Hire purchase financing is easy to obtain

Hire purchase agreements are not complicated as is the case with other financing options. One only requires providing the relevant documents to the hire purchase dealer. In some cases, hire purchase dealers do not consider your credit rating when approving the hire purchase contract. This makes it easier for the hire to get their desired electronics.

4.      Own the items at the end of the agreement

While hire purchase is almost similar to leasing, there are some notable differences. One of the most notable difference is that the hirer becomes the owner of the assets after paying the last installment.

Learn more about hire purchase on KCT blog. Kenya Credit Traders offer the best electronics and household goods hire purchase deals in Kenya.


When you need to purchase an item for your home or business and you do not have all cash at hand, it is worth considering utilizing hire purchase agreement. There are many benefits of hire purchase for a consumer. It is a great way to purchase high value assets quickly since it helps a consumer to spread cost over an agreed period.

In hire purchase, a consumer acquires assets immediately after they make a down payment. After paying the deposit, the customer is allowed to acquire and use the asset. The balance is paid in installments, and at the end of the hire purchase agreement, the hirer becomes the owner.

How Hire Purchase Is a Smart Choice With KCT

Financing is one of the key considerations when shopping for high value assets. In the past, cars and homes were the only assets financed using hire purchase. However, in modern times, there are plenty of consumer goods you can acquire through hire purchase. From TVs, refrigerators, kitchen appliances, and other household items, you can create your dream living space using hire purchase deals at KCT.

The number one reason why hire purchase is a smart choice with KCT is that it allows you to spread cost. When you need a refrigerator for your home, even the smallest one will cost you in excess of Ksh 15000. When using hire purchase, you can purchase even a larger capacity refrigerator with a smaller fraction of the cash. After paying the deposit, one will be paying monthly installments to clear the balance. This will be helpful since you will be paying a fraction of your income and use the remaining balance to cover for your other expenses.

Another benefit of purchasing consumer goods on hire purchase is the chance to purchase quality assets. When you do not have enough cash to purchase a quality asset, you might be forced to purchase a low-quality one. However, with hire purchase, you have the chance to purchase high-value and quality appliances and electronics. You will only require a fraction of the total cost to pay as the deposit. You can clear the balance in the form of installments while using the asset.

Learn more about hire purchase here. Follow Kenya Credit Traders on Facebook for best household items hire purchase deals.

There is no doubt purchasing household electronics on hire purchase terms is one of the best decisions one can make. Hire purchase, or lipa pole pole, allows a buyer to access items that they might not afford to purchase outright. With as little as 10% of the total cost of the electronics you intend to purchase, you can acquire them for your use immediately. One can utilize monthly, weekly, or daily payments to clear the balance. The periodic payments are referred to as installments.

Interest Rates in Hire Purchase

Hire purchase agreements are similar to rent to own agreements. Every installment one pays counts as the cost of hiring the asset for the given period. However, with hire purchase, one becomes the owner of the electronics after they make payment for the last installments.

The total cost of electronics in hire purchase is higher than when one makes an outright purchase. The difference in the costs results from interest rates charged on installments in hire purchase.

Before signing the hire purchase agreement, spending time understanding the interest rates and repayment terms ensures that you are making the right decision.

Factors That Affect Interest Rates in Electronics Hire Purchase

  • The down payment: When one pays a high amount as a down payment, they will have a smaller balance to clear, and this means lower interest rates for the hirer.
  • The total number of installments: When one opts to pay the balance in a high number of installments, the interest rates will be lower.
  • The cash price of the asset: the hire purchase cost is always affected by the cash price of the asset. High value electronics are always likely to attract higher interest rates compared to low value electronics.
  • The duration of the hire purchase agreement: When the repayment period is spread over a longer duration, the interest rate is likely to be lower than in the case of a shorter repayment duration.

Repayment Terms

In hire purchase, the hirer can only become the owner of the electronics after the last payment. When you identify electronics you plan to purchase, the dealer requires a down payment. This can be as low as 10% of the total cost.

The balance is cleared in the form of installments. Some dealers accept daily payments, weekly payments, or monthly payments. The periodic payments are known as installments. When you complete repayment, the dealer transfers ownership of the electronics.

Visit our blog page to learn more about hire purchase. Find the best hire purchase deals in Kenya Here.


When in the market for household electronics, you will always have options. Having so many choices at times makes the process of finding the right deal a daunting task. You do not only need to focus on finding the right items to purchase, but one also wants to find a reliable dealer who can offer them the best deal.

Why Hire Purchase Is the Ideal Option for Electronics

One of the worries for any buyer is the payment options available to them. Most dealers only accept cash payment for any electronics that one intends to purchase. This can limit buyers who do not have enough savings to purchase a given item.

Hire purchase is an ideal option when one doesn’t have all the cash to purchase a given item. If you intend to add an android TV to your home, it might cost several tens of thousands. With hire purchase, you only require 10% of the total cost to acquire the TV. You can enjoy various TV programs using the TV as you complete purchasing it by paying monthly installments. After the last installment, any electronics you acquired through hire purchase becomes yours.

Getting Approved for Electronics Hire Purchase

Before one can acquire electronics on hire purchase terms, they need to sign a contract with the hire purchase dealer. The hire purchase agreement protects both the buyer and seller. One can only qualify to acquire products on hire purchase terms if they are approved. Here are some tips to increase your chances of getting approved for electronics hire purchase.

·         Ask for document checklist before applying

When you opt to purchase electronics on hire purchase terms, there are some documents you need to provide the dealer. Different hire purchase dealers require different documents. Some of the documents you might need to provide include a copy of your ID, KRA Pin, Proof of income, address proof, and others. Finding out the necessary documents before applying for a hire purchase increases your chances of getting approved.

·         Select electronics that you can manage to pay

While hire purchase aims at helping you purchase items that you might purchase outright due to high prices, the dealer will want to find out whether you can afford payments. It is thus advisable to find electronics that you can make payments with ease to avoid the dealer repossessing them in the future.

·         Provide accurate information

When you provide the hire purchase dealer with accurate information, you not only increase chances of getting approved for hire purchase, but it also makes the process hassle free.

Learn more about hire purchase agreements on our blog page. Follow Kenya Credit Traders on Facebook.


There is no doubt that electronics enhance the quality of life when we choose to invest in them. Almost every office or household requires electronics to make work easier. It is almost impossible to find a home without a TV in modern times. TVs not only add life to our living rooms, but they can also help find information and even access entertainment programs.

Top Electronics available at KCT

When out to find electronics to purchase for your home, there is a need to only make the correct decisions. Apart from choosing the right brand, design or model, it is also essential to find the best dealers. Kenya Credit Traders is one of the most reliable electronics dealers in Kenya. One of the reasons to settle for KCT when buying electronics is the option to hire purchase electronics. This is a convenient way to acquire any household electronics you require. Here are some top choices of electronics you can find at KCT.

1.      Smart TVs

If you are in the market looking to add a TV set for your home or office, smart TVs are always a great option. Smart TVs allow you not only to enjoy free to air TV channels, but you can also enjoy paid channels. Apart from TV channels, smart TVs also use the internet opening a whole world of entertainment for your family. You can stream content from leading video platforms such as YouTube and Netflix among others.

2.      Android TVs

Apart from Smart TVs, it is also possible to acquire android TVs on hire purchase terms at KCT. The major difference between android TVs and smart TVs is that android TVs come with much more applications. This means that they allow you to stream much more entertaining and educative content.

3.      Sub woofers

Sub woofers work to enhance sound quality when you opt to add them to your home. They can be connected to TVs, phones, Laptops and other devices to amplify the sound. If you are looking to buy with hire purchase, KCT is your ideal choice for quality subwoofers.

4.      Home theaters

When you love home entertainment, home theaters are a worthy purchase. Home theaters are designed to allow you to enjoy media in the best possible quality in your home.

There are a variety of household electronics available on hire purchase at KCT. Follow Kenya Credit Traders for latest offers and products you can buy with hire purchase.


Every homeowner or business owner will be eager to find out their options when purchasing assets. The ability to acquire assets that you require is crucial for the growth and success of your business. In the case of homeowners, acquiring the assets that you need not only enhances the value of your home but it also makes your living space more functional.

Why Consider Hire Purchase When Acquiring Assets

Regardless of the assets one intends to purchase, hire purchase is one of the best payment options that you can settle for. Hire purchase agreements allow a hirer to acquire and use items that they might not be able to purchase outright. All that is required is a down payment, which is usually at least 10% of the total cost of the asset. Afterwards, one makes periodic payments known as installments to the dealer to complete payment for the asset. When you pay your last installment, the dealer transfers ownership to you.

Digital hire purchase

There is no doubt that technology affects our way of living in many ways. In modern times, we can shop from the comfort of our homes or offices. All that one requires is an internet connection, a phone, tablet or a laptop. After browsing online stores to find items you require, all that one needs is to place an order, make payment, and await delivery at the doorstep.

Digital hire purchase is also being embraced in Kenya by leading hire purchase dealers such as KCT. When you require household items, electronics or appliances, you do not need to step out of you home and embark on a tiresome journey of finding hire purchase dealers. All that one needs is to visit a website, determine the assets they need to add to their home or business.

The hire purchase company will help you determine the document that you need before signing a hire purchase agreement. After downloading the documents, one provides the necessary information. Afterward, the dealer directs you to their nearest store when you can submit the documents. In some cases, the documents can be uploaded online, making the process more convenient.

After providing the documents to the dealer, they will direct you at the nearest store to pick the assets you intend to purchase. The best part about digital hire purchase is that you do not need to make payments physically. You can make payments through mobile payment platforms such as M-pesa if you are in Kenya. After paying your last installment, you will become the owner of the asset.

Follow Kenya Credit Traders on Facebook for the best hire purchase deals.

When in the market to acquire assets for a business or your home, you will be keen to determine the payment options available to you. One will want to find out the best financing options they can utilize. When you do not have all the cash to purchase items outright, here are some of the options available for you.


Leasing involves hiring a particular asset that you require from a dealer or the owner. Leasing agreements require one to make periodic payments to the owner of the assets. The installments can be monthly, biweekly or even annually depending on the value of the asset. At the end of the leasing contract, one returns the assets to the dealer or owner. This is a great option when you do not intend to retain a particular asset in the long run.

Term loans

One can also consider turning to loan products when they need to acquire assets. There are plenty of loan products from lending institutions that one can turn to when they require financing. In the case of household items, one can even turn to online lenders to find money and finance acquiring the assets that they require.

One of the downsides of term loans when one is looking for financing is that they charge high interest rates. In most cases, interest rates can also change and increase the total cost of the asset you are purchasing.

Another downside of term loans is that they are affected by your credit history. When one has bad credit, they are likely to pay higher interest rates. It is the same case for persons with limited credit history. The high interest rates only increase the total cost of the assets.

Hire purchase

Hire purchase agreements are also part of the options one can utilize when looking to purchase high-value assets. Hire purchase agreements allow you to only pay a fraction of the total cost of the asset you intend to purchase to acquire it. After acquiring the asset one is allowed to utilize it while making periodic payments known as installments to the dealer. After one makes the last payment, the ownership of the assets is transferred to them.

Hire Purchase for Limited Credit Histories

When you have limited credit history, hire purchase is one of the best options for purchasing new assets. In hire purchase agreements, the goods one hire work as the security or collateral since one is not the owner. In case one does not honor the payments, the dealer can repossess the goods. Even the buyer can opt to end the hire purchase agreement if they are unable to make repayments. This means that your credit history is not one of the major considerations by the hire purchase dealer before approving the agreement.

Learn More about hire purchase on our website. Get the best hire purchase deals in Kenya Here.

Every business owner wants to invest in quality assets that not only enhance the functionality of the working space, but also makes work easier. Finding quality assets can also enhance the aesthetics of your office. Finding the right furniture pieces works to enhance the value of the business. It also makes the right first impression for customer visiting your home.

While a business owner wants to invest in improving the working space for the employees and clients, at times, assets they intend to purchase can prove expensive. In such cases, the business owner is eager to determine the financing options available to them. One such options is a hire purchase plan.

Why hire purchase is the right choice for your business

A business owner is set to benefit from acquiring assets through hire purchase financing. Here are some of the benefits:

1.      Improved cash flow

One of the best reasons why you need to consider hire purchase financing when acquiring assets is that this helps you improve cash flow in your business. When you purchase high value assets outright, it might have an effect on your cash flow. The business might be left without enough cash to cater for expenses and other operating costs. With hire purchase, you only need to make a down payment. Afterward, the business makes payment to the dealer on the set date, thus giving them control over the cash flow in the business.

2.      Fixed repayments

One of the best parts about hire purchase plans is that the repayments are fixed. The interest rates charged on the installments is fixed and not subject to changes by the Central Bank. This not only makes budgeting straightforward, but it also means that there will be no nasty surprises as a result of changes on interest rates that will cause an increase in the total cost of the assets.

3.      Lower interest rates

If you are looking to financing a given asset, one of the options is to approach a lender for a term loan. The major downside of the term loans is that the interest rates are high and thus make the total cost of a given asset high. With hire purchase plans, the interest rates are lower and not subject to changes.

Check more articles on hire purchase here. Get the best hire purchase deals for your business by following Kenya Credit Traders on Facebook.