Every homeowner or business owner will be eager to find out their options when purchasing assets. The ability to acquire assets that you require is crucial for the growth and success of your business. In the case of homeowners, acquiring the assets that you need not only enhances the value of your home but it also makes your living space more functional.
Why Consider Hire Purchase When Acquiring Assets
Regardless of the assets one intends to purchase, hire purchase is one of the best payment options that you can settle for. Hire purchase agreements allow a hirer to acquire and use items that they might not be able to purchase outright. All that is required is a down payment, which is usually at least 10% of the total cost of the asset. Afterwards, one makes periodic payments known as installments to the dealer to complete payment for the asset. When you pay your last installment, the dealer transfers ownership to you.
Digital hire purchase
There is no doubt that technology affects our way of living in many ways. In modern times, we can shop from the comfort of our homes or offices. All that one requires is an internet connection, a phone, tablet or a laptop. After browsing online stores to find items you require, all that one needs is to place an order, make payment, and await delivery at the doorstep.
Digital hire purchase is also being embraced in Kenya by leading hire purchase dealers such as KCT. When you require household items, electronics or appliances, you do not need to step out of you home and embark on a tiresome journey of finding hire purchase dealers. All that one needs is to visit a website, determine the assets they need to add to their home or business.
The hire purchase company will help you determine the document that you need before signing a hire purchase agreement. After downloading the documents, one provides the necessary information. Afterward, the dealer directs you to their nearest store when you can submit the documents. In some cases, the documents can be uploaded online, making the process more convenient.
After providing the documents to the dealer, they will direct you at the nearest store to pick the assets you intend to purchase. The best part about digital hire purchase is that you do not need to make payments physically. You can make payments through mobile payment platforms such as M-pesa if you are in Kenya. After paying your last installment, you will become the owner of the asset.
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